Primeval Origins Epic Saga Book #1 - Paths of Anguish - Dictionary - Primeval Origins

Primeval Origins Epic Saga Book #1 – Paths of Anguish – Dictionary

The following definitions of terms fill the pages of book #1 in the Primeval Origins Epic Saga, Paths of Anguish. Harbinger of Judgments Reflections:
  • Creation’s Offering – A gift of Eternal Life in the presence of God.
  • Herald Service – Service to God as a “super angle” / “Angel of the Lord” after demonstrating the highest degree of integrity, honor, and belief in God.
  • Light – Human “Spirit” / “Soul.”
  • Great Leader – Derogatory nickname referencing the dictator leaders of North Korea.
  • Highlands dialect – Language and dialect of the Surce area of Bolivia.
  • Creation’s Offering – Everlasting life in the presence of God.
Chapter 1:
  • “My One” – Term of endearment in the Tellen culture.
  • Ancients – Common name for humanity’s Dingiir and Igigi gods of old.
  • Baraan – Humanoid race of tall, attractive taskmasters created by the Ancients.
  • Dark Sight – Ability to see in the darkness. Night sight, even on moonless nights, and in closed areas or underground.
  • Darkening – Death by means that take one’s Light away from the physical body.
  • Great Wyrmm – A slang name for Shiarush.
  • Hill Talk – A Shuruppak language dialect of speech with the heavy influence of formal Turillian. Rogaan and his father, Mithraam, speak “Hill Talk” when not speaking the Baraan native tongue of the Brigum region.
  • Kiuri’Ner – Protectors of the Ways [Paths and Roads]. Often employed as scouts and escorts for traveling caravans and groups and wall guardians of urban centers.
  • Knee-high – Shuruppak mountain slang for “toddler”.
  • Mountainwood – Hickory wood commonly grown in fertile, loam soils in areas good for farming.
  • One Whose Name was Unmade / Unmade One – The title of the Ancient Dingiir that defied his fellow Dingiir in the Third Age, waging war against them, being defeated, imprisoned in Tsae’Phon, and having his name declared “unmade” by the Ancient’s High Council.
  • Our Lady of Battles – A heralded and legendary Tellen female, Lahamu…wielder of the powerful Ra’Sakti, who fought against the Ancients and Igigi in the Third Age.
  • Rock-soap – Hard soap that burns the skin when used to clean. Similar to lye soap.
  • Sentii – Elite warrior race created by the Dingiir to serve as their loyal mortal army.
  • Shiarush War – Dragon War.
  • Shunir’raMasterwork of art, tools, armor, or weapon crafted by a young Tellen, when he/she comes of age, to demonstrate his/her skills in order to gain acceptance into the Tellen Clan as an adult.
  • Shunned – The most powerful and nasty of the Kabir serving the rebel Dingiir and Igigi in the wars of the Third Age.
  • Stoning – Working with stone in a manner and purpose of using the stone in architectural construction.
  • Tellen – Humanoid race of stout, intelligent builders created by the Ancients.
  • Tellen Fashion – Furniture and personal items often having carvings and symbols telling of epic tales from the long past.
  • Ursa-ne-Ursa – Warrior of Warriors, Sentii in the service of the Ancients in the Third Age.
  • Zagdu-i-Kuzu – Threshold of Wisdom and Expertise. The Tellen ceremony in which the Tellen apprentice is recognized as a contributor to the Clan, as an adult, and is no longer in need of strict supervision by a master. The ceremony recognizes the apprentice’s crafting of his masterwork, his Shunir’ra, with the ceremony culminating in the master giving a gift of significant value to the former apprentice.
Chapter 2:
  • Anubda’Ner – Shuruppak Army under the authority of the Supreme Council of Shuruppak in the capital city of Ur.
  • Anubda’Za – Elected Law Makers of each city governing a region of Shuruppak.
  • Coiner – Term for wealthy businessman.
  • Commoner Revolt of 2612 – Book accounting the Shuruppak Commoner’s revolt in the year 2,612 after the creation of the Dur’Anki (Bond heaven and earth).
  • Dubsa – Leader of a dwelling or urban area.
  • Dubsa’Sauru’Saar – Leader of the Town Council.
  • Ensi – Shuruppak title of the governor of a city or town.
  • Eur Armor – Ancient design of composited, layered armor with specific features protecting its wearer from deadly Kis’Ruhr poison tail attacks.
  • Kigar – Town.
  • Law Maker – An individual with the legal authority to make laws in local and city councils.
  • Leaper – Dinosaur (tanniyn) raptor.
  • Marks / Markings – Tattoos.
  • Me – Law.
  • Red Stripei – A one stride long bird-like dinosaur with green short-feathers, emerald tail feathers, and thin red stripes of feathers running the length of their back.
  • Sakal – A junior troop commander of the Tusaa’Ner.
  • Sharur – Professional hunters…”Beast Hunters.”
  • Shuruppak by Sword and Spear – Large book/tome accounting all the battles fought in the lands of Shuruppak.
  • Shuruppak’s Proclamation of the Govern and Reconstruction – A charter signed by the Houses and commoner leaders alike declaring the rights and governance of the people within Shuruppak after the Shuruppak Civil War ended.
  • Striped – Term used for being caned in public as a form of community disciplining.
  • Tanniyn – Biblical term for dinosaurs with more ancient roots.
  • The Challenge of Houses – Book accounting the struggles of Shuruppak’s Houses after the Shuruppak Civil War.
  • Tusaa’Ner – Village, town, or city guardsmen.
  • War of the Houses – A large tome recording a time thirty years before Paths of Anguish when the wealthy and privileged Houses of Shuruppak battled each other over lands, mineral rights, and dominance. The Houses fought the war with small armies loyal to each family house and with mercenary Ursan.
  • Wilds – Common name for the untamed lands beyond walled villages, towns, and cities.
  • Younglings – Common term for children, up through adolescent pre-adults.
Chapter 3:
  • Black Rock – High grade coal.
  • Carrier – Individual who works as a porter, often used for those carrying the skin, horn, claws, and meat of tanniyn by cutters.
  • Cutter – Individual skill in carving skin and meat from large animals…tanniyn (dinosaurs), snapjaws (crocodiles), and others.
  • Dazing – Day dreaming.
  • Featherwing – Flight capable bird (not a ground bird).
  • Hall of Council – Places in villages, towns, and cities of Shuruppak where elected leaders and their assistants meet to decide the affairs of the place.
  • Imur’gisa – “Family treasure” in the Tellen culture. The treasure Mithraam holds is a rod-shaped cylinder encrusted with gemstones.
  • Kyda – A more robust and powerful version of the sarig, capable of moderate speeds and long endurance while carrying a burden. Mostly used by the well-to-do, military forces…typically by those in command, as general-purpose pack animals, and for pulling carts, wagons, and large coaches.
  • Leatherwing – Pterosaur…flying reptile.
  • Rough Talk – Harsh and/or scolding words.
  • Sarig – A fast four-legged steed / pack animal created combining the tanniyn stock blood with that of gods beast of similar purpose. Created by the Ancients for humanity. Fasted four-legged animal in the ancient age of the 1st Civilization.
  • Stoner – Slang insult towards Tellens spoken by non-Tellens…most often by Baraan of Shuruppak.
  • Tanniyn Niisku – A powerful, four-legged, musky-scented work beast created from living dinosaur stock by the ancient gods for humanity.
  • Town Caretakers – Street cleaners of an urban place…public garbage collectors.
  • Watchers of Brigum – Tusaa’Ner of the remote Shuruppak town of Brigum.
Chapter 4:
  • Bigtooth – Large predator tanniyn.
  • End someone’s Light – To kill or make dead.
  • Fern Runner / Fern Walker – Large ground bird (9’+ tall with armless/reduced arm wings and powerful beak (toothed/toothless)), almost always a predator.
  • In the darkness – Being dead.
  • Longwalker – Large to huge-bodied plant eating tanniyn. References are the iguanodons and hadrosaurs.
  • Off to the darkness – Becoming dead.
  • One with the darkness – Common reference in the northern regions of Dilmu for “dead.”
  • Pit of Kur – Place of torment and suffering those condemned by their ancient gods find themselves in after death. The general term of reference equivalent to the Underworld, Hades, Hell, etc.  Also, when spoken in reference to the physical lands of Kur, the “Pit of Kur” refers to the center of the desert Kingdom of Kur on Dilmu.
  • Pond Jumper – Frog.
  • Purple Flowers – Purple Savior. A flower when its petals and upper stalk are crushed can be made into a lotion or cream that is a strong insect repellent. A single application often lasts for an entire day.
  • Redfin – Large meat-eating tanniyn with a red-colored complexion and sail on its back. A spinosaurus. 
  • Shade – A common slang term for “ghostly daimon” and for One’s living Light tainted and/or darkened by corruption. Also sometimes used in reference to the undead.
  • Snapjaw – Crocodile.
  • Spiced Drink – Common, slightly alcoholic drink in many of the countries and kingdoms of Dilmu.
  • Stone [weight] – Measure of weight equal to a kilogram (2.2 lbs.) commonly understood and used by the people of Dilmu.
  • The Wet – The rainy season.
  • Towner – Village, town, or city dweller. Often used as slang by those braving the wilds as insults to those not often leaving the safety of their walled village, town, or city.
  • Two-horns – Large ceratopsian tanniyn.
Chapter 5:
  • “Light has been taken…” – The process of the spirit/soul leaving the physical body being complete. The physical body no longer being connected to the spirit/soul (represented visually) by the “silver cord.”
  • “Light is gone” or “Lightless” – A being recently dead with spirit/soul in the process of leaving the physical body. The process of “becoming Lightless” taking anywhere from an instant to up to three earth days.
  • “May the Ancients protect…” – Common blessing given by the peoples of Dilmu in the 1st Civilization.
  • Dark beyond – Common slang term referring to the Underworld or the void of endless and eternal nothingness.
  • Dark-faced – Being red-faced with anger by individuals with brown or naturally darker skin.
  • Old Ones – Slang term for the Ancients.
  • The Burning – Being with an infection and fever from wound or disease.
Chapter 6:
  • “Fall to darkness” – In the physical world, when an individual descends into their death. In the metaphysical world, when a Light is corrupted and made tainted.
  • “Lights are darkened” – A group of individuals killed / made dead by the intent of others.
  • “Not in the darkness” – Being alive and Light-filled (not dead) or an individual being with his/her Light uncorrupted.
  • “Without Light” / “Out of Light” / “Lightless” – Being dead.
  • Darkener – Bringer or deliverer of death. Also, an entity capable of corrupting an individual’s Light.
  • Eight-leg – Crawling insects (Spiders, Scorpions, etc).
  • Esharra – Land of the Ancients…commonly thought to be in the high mountains of central Dilmu. Also thought to be a transitioning place where the Light goes when the Light leaves the physical body on its travel to the Underworld or Heaven.
  • Fade away – The process of dying as Light starts to leave the physical body.
  • Gidim’barzil – Black steel metal. Gleaming/radiant black hued metal when ultraviolet light or higher electromagnetic energies touch it. Strongest of all metals with slightly more flexibility than the highest quality earth-made metals, blue steel, and red steel. Superconductive metal at any temperatures and when in either solid or liquid forms. One of the three metals / steels given to humanity by the Ancients.
  • Hide cord – Thick wound cord made with multiple strips of tanniyn hide.
  • Husa’barzil – Red steel metal. Gleaming/radiant red hued metal when ultraviolet light or higher electromagnetic energies touch it. Stronger with slightly more flexibility than the highest quality earth-made metals and blue steel. Superconductive metal when exposed to temperatures allowing earthly creatures to live when in a solid state or when in a liquid state. One of the three metals / steels given to humanity by the Ancients.
  • Nisi’barzil / Nizi’barzil (old language dialect) – Blue steel metal. Gleaming/radiant blue hued metal when ultraviolet light or higher electromagnetic energies touch it. Stronger with slightly more flexibility than the highest quality earth-made metals. Superconductive metal when exposed to slightly below freezing (water) temperatures when in a solid state or when in a liquid state. One of the three metals / steels given to humanity by the Ancients.
Chapter 7:
  • “Blind you!” – A common curse phrase equivalent to “Damn you!” in modern times. Also, a specific curse of ill-will to an individual as if looking upon Tsae’Phon at the moment of culmination of Roden’Ar when the Dur’Anki (Bond Heaven-Earth) takes place once per year.
  • Blood Wings – Bloodletting flying insects (flies, skeeters, mosquitoes).
  • “Darkening their Light…” – Another common slang phrase of describing the Light of a physical being taken away by natural or unnatural means.
  • Bite-rot – The rotting destruction of flesh from a bite from a predator, most specifically the bite of a predatory tanniyn. Bite-rot is a suffering condition in which the individual is afflicted with rotting flesh and septicemia in addition to the damaged flesh and bone from the bite.
  • Call Out – A semi-official report of some form.
  • Eight-leg – Slang term for spider or scorpion.
  • Feeling small – Being ashamed of one’s actions or thoughts.
  • Fever and shakes – Common description of an individual’s body fighting off an illness, infection, or disease.
  • Healer – An individual capable of healing injuries and disease through knowledge of the physical world, administering elixirs, salves, ointments, drinks, food, and mechanical means.
  • Head Pains – Headaches.
  • Hunters – Sharur.
  • Red Berry Bush – A plant common throughout northern Dilmu that has the uses of being antiseptic, though one that is painful when applied.
  • Red-face sickness – An individual suffering from an allergy due to exposure to a substance (by touch or through the air).
  • Red Gem – Ruby.
  • Return to Darkness – An individual’s death where the Light travels to/is cast into nothingness or the Underworld.
  • Runner – A long distance runner used to deliver messages. Usually part of an organization that delivers messages (a humanoid pony express).
  • Soother – Healer of the mind and emotions.
  • Sour Tate – A vegetable similar to an onion-tasting, potato-shaped food.
  • Watchers of Farratum – Tusaa’Ner of the city Farratum. Regional capital to Brigum.
  • Walking Roofs – Roofs that double as a patio or porch.
Chapter 8:
  • “Fare well.” – Both a departing wish for safe travels and good fortunes (good luck).
  • Blood wings – Slang term for insects that fly and draw blood such as skeeters and mosquitoes.
  • Call-out – The demand for a verbal report on a subject, situation, or a condition. Most often used by military forces and other rigidly structured organizations.
  • Elected – Official term used in Shuruppak signifying a lawfully elected official with the authority to govern a location or organization.
  • Head pains – Headaches.
  • Red gem – Ruby.
  • Runner – A long distance running messenger.
  • Shuruppak Hall of Laws – Hall of law-making and adjudication in each town and city with the Shuruppak Empire. Usually a pyramid structure made of stone.
  • Soother – Healer of those troubled thoughts in the mind and emotions.
  • Sour Tate – A vegetable shaped as a potato and with an onion-like taste. Considered a food to eat if a heathy life is desired.
  • Spider’s Moss – Mossy plant that hangs from sub-tropical trees (non-pine trees). Often will be filled with biting insects that carry disease.
  • Throw-aways – Garbage, unwanted and discarded items.
  • Walking Roof – A roof to a building that doubles as a patio or porch landing.
  • Well-to-do – The wealthy.
Chapter 9:
  • “Silence someone’s heart” – To kill someone.
  • “Wear a crown” – Phrase often used referring to royalty or a king.
  • “Blind you” – A swearing curse common to northern Shuruppak. Cursing someone with blinding is referencing the Dur’Anki and the great light of the Ancients…anyone looking at the light when the Ancients battle the forces of darkness (in the southern Blood Lands) annually suffer loss of vision, become blind temporarily or permanent.
  • Cut-coiner – Street thief (cut purse).
  • Cut-Throat – Saggis or Lugasum (Assassin).
  • Dark Robes – Slang for the widely feared Agni-wielding Kabiri of the Ebon Circle.
  • Hall of Justice – Inimar’Nisisa (Place of Justice).
  • Isell-Dingiir – Key of the gods. One of five “magical” keys (Agni crystal keys) secreted away from humanity that are needed to unlock the ancient City of the Dead, Vaikuntaars. Also referred to in the slang “Nikalla” or the “precious.”
  • Jailer’s wagon – Prison wagon with barred cage enclosure.
  • Keepers of the Way (Keepers) – Shortened slang term for the organization known as the Keepers of the Way who wear the symbol of the “Dagger and Flame.”
  • Law-arm – Slang for town/city guardsmen or police.
  • Mark – Worn symbols on forehead, shoulder, back of hand, palm of hands are common throughout the world of Primeval. Bold organizations mark on the forehead and the hands. Secretive organizations often mark on the palm of the hand and/or shoulders, chest and back.
  • Philosophy of Conflict – Professional underpinning principles of war for those trained in Shuruppak and other regions of Dilmu. Principles includes: Knowing and understanding your enemy as well as you know and understand yourself and your forces as a means to achieving victory in conflict.
  • Ruling Scepter – An ornate scepter object symbolizing authority of the law (Me), to make law, and to pronounce guilt and/or punishment.
  • Sakes – The law enforcing organization at every level within the Empire of Shuruppak. Responsible for arresting, jailing, and punishing the unlawful.
  • Silence a Heart – To kill someone.
  • Symbols on forehead, shoulders, chest, back of hand, or palm of the hand – Symbols carved or burnt into the flesh signifying membership in organizations, professions, or markings of the unlawful.
Chapter 10:
  • Armed carriage – An animal (tanniyn, sarig, kyda, or niisku) drawn carriage / well-equipped wagon with defensive spikes to guard against attacks from the beasts of the wilds.
  • Atonement in Shuruppak – Under Shuruppak law, when a person is found guilty of crime9s) involving harm to others, those wronged or their proxies are allowed to gain custody of the criminal in questions for purpose to be placed in bonded servitude for the duration of the criminal’s sentence.
  • Crossing-street – Intersections of two or more roads.
  • Damnation – Curse of ill-will issued by those familiar with the old teachings of the Right-hand Path / Religious organizations that believe/affirm in the grace and damnation by the ancient gods.
  • Fading – An individual or animal still alive but in the processes of dying.
  • Fellow – Slang term for nice men that are not well known.
  • Hands-count – Five (5).
  • Sedan chair – A covered carriage requiring two to eight men bearers to carry. Never carried or pulled by animal or beast. Most typically used inside urban centers.
  • War Sworn – Professional warriors dedicated to perfecting their combative knowledge and skills for the purpose of serving supreme the Ancients in the Last Battle.
  • Watcher – Slang for Lookouts employed by the powerful and wealthy.
Chapter 11:
  • Law-Breaker – A lawless criminal.
  • Life Circle – Slang description of an individual being in the food-chain of the wilds.
Chapter 12:
  • “Parley” – A respectful negotiation where all parties engaged can expect no harm to be dealt upon them during the event.
  • “Wake the Lightless…” – Reference to waking the dreaded dead.
  • “Without his Light…” – Slang phrase speaking of an individual that is dead past three days.
  • Daimon – A ghostly, phantom, shade or ethereal loose spirit taken up in a host. Other references in more contemporary times: demon or devil not originating from earth.
  • Kunsag – Lay priests of temples worshiping the Ancients. Servants (administrative, warrior, and less common Agni-manifesting priests) to the Kabiri priests of the Ancients but limited to remaining on the grounds of their dedicated to temple.
  • Long-tooth – Slang for large tanniyn and other beasts with long/large teeth. Reference in Paths of Anguish for a redfin. May be interchanged with “big-tooth” depending on who is speaking the term.
  • Plant dust – Pollen.
Chapter 13:
  • “Handle you…” – Tellen phrase for groping an individual.
  • Blue Flower [ointment] – Blue Savior Salve. Another flower when its petals and upper stalk are crushed can be made into a lotion or cream that is a strong insect repellent. A single application often lasts for an entire day.
  • Dark Temple – Temple and grounds of the feared Ebon Circle.
  • Ogle-eyeing – Embarrassing love-struck look one gives to another who is the object/subject of affections or lust.
Chapter 14:
  • Bull Shieldback – Armored four-legged tanniyn. Reference dinosaur: Nodosaurs, Ankylosaur.
  • Sharur’s Cloak/Cape – Also known as the Hunter’s Cloak/Cape. A cloak or cape colored and patterned typically gray-green to afford Sharur the ability to be well camouflaged in the wilds.
Chapter 15:
  • “Master” – A common form address to those one considered their mentor, owner, or the one with an authority over them.
  • “Pay a coin…” – Phrase referencing the payment of a coin to the ferryman taking one’s Light to the Underworld (Kur) after death.
  • Di’Tij – Planned fortress settlements spaced roughly a day’s wagon ride apart along the roadways of northern Dilmu, most notably throughout Shuruppak, providing safe harbor for travelers from the deadly wilds.
  • Half-Evendiir – An individual with parentage from both the Baraan and Evendiir races.
  • Half-Tellen – An individual with parentage from both the Baraan and Tellen races.
  • Mornor-skurst – Humanoid race of tough warriors created by the ancient gods. Mornor-skurst are with short lifespans and high adaptability physiologies allowing rapid changes in body and behaviors to new environments, often with drastic adaptations from generation to generation and less often parent to offspring. Originally only Mornor when introduced to earth, the Mornor-skurst are the varying adaption of the Mornor to earth’s deadly environment.
  • Preparations – The act of an Agni Manifester preparing Agni-based defenses against physical, Agni, and psi energies.
  • Raver – A medium to large sized short-snouted two-legged predator with a nasty disposition that is extremely territorial and enjoys killing creatures smaller than it (Reference tanniyn: Carnotaurus).
  • Strolling – A term referring to an individual engaged in non-purposeful walking.
  • PDA – Personal Digital Assistant. A telecommuting computing device with holographic display. Can be handheld or worn on the body.